Kava is a DeFi platform created in Cosmos. The features of the project are as follows: it was created to offer multi-secured loans and stable coins for crypto assets, to respond to the demand for lending in the DeFi category.
News about Kava
07 Jun 2022, 01:36
The secret's out! Multichain has officially deployed an EVM bridge to Kava 🎉
🔸 Users now have access to ERC20 assets: USDC, USDT, DAI, WETH & WBTC
🔸 Bridge from both Ethereum & BNB chains directly into Kava
Try it out:
The secret's out. Multichain has officially deployed an EVM bridge to Kava.The secret's out! Multichain has officially deployed an EVM bridge to Kava 🎉
🔸 Users now have access to ERC20 assets: USDC, USDT, DAI, WETH & WBTC
🔸 Bridge from both Ethereum & BNB chains directly into Kava
Try it out: https://bridge.multichain.org/#/router
06 Jun 2022, 18:43
Kava 10 is in full motion 🚀
You can easily create wKAVA to use on the Ethereum Co-Chain when transacting with dApps.
Find out how to wrap & unwrap KAVA to get the best use out of Cosmos EVM -
Kava 10 is in full motion. You can easily create wKAVA to use on the Ethereum Co-Chain when transacting with dApps.Kava 10 is in full motion 🚀
You can easily create wKAVA to use on the Ethereum Co-Chain when transacting with dApps.
Find out how to wrap & unwrap KAVA to get the best use out of Cosmos EVM - https://t.co/WuzaVandyp
02 Jun 2022, 17:32
Here's the recap of Kava News for May 2022 -
Here's the recap of Kava News for May 2022 -.Here's the recap of Kava News for May 2022 - https://medium.com/kava-labs/kava-news-may-74037d46a38
01 Jun 2022, 00:48
If you weren't able to attend Scott Stuart's Permissionless panel on Cross-Chain Liquidity & Interoperability, Kava has you covered!
Check out the full session here:
If you weren't able to attend Scott Stuart's Permissionless panel on Cross-Chain Liquidity & Interoperability, Kava has you coveIf you weren't able to attend Scott Stuart's Permissionless panel on Cross-Chain Liquidity & Interoperability, Kava has you covered!
Check out the full session here: https://vimeo.com/713944874